Try these tips next time you feel overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning your home!

1. Set a timer. Set a 20 minute timer and get as much done in that time as you can. When the timer goes off, set a new one for a 5 minute break. Once your break is over, start the cycle again until you’re finished!

2. Start with a load of laundry. Lots of people hate laundry, and sometimes the hardest part is throwing that first load in the washer. Do that before everything else, and you’ll already feel like you’ve accomplished something!

3. Deal with the dishes. For most people, the kitchen is the hardest room to keep tidy and a common reason for that is the dishes! Get them out of the way first and you’ll feel ready to take on the rest of your house!

4. Entertain yourself! Cleaning doesn’t have to be boring! Turn on your favourite TV show, move, music or podcast and the time will fly by.

5. Take it one room at a time. And don’t move on until it’s done! Getting sidetracked by other tasks in other rooms will make your cleaning routine feel chaotic and overwhelming.